Wednesday 8 February 2012

Sam Bell, Personal Stylist
So a big hello from me, Sam Bell, to the world of blogging!  If I'm honest, I'm not entirely sure I understand the point of it, except my web designer keeps telling me its essential to promote my brand.  And I confess, I had a rummage around the net looking at stuff other Personal Stylists and Image Consultants write about.  And this is where I started to get a little bit more interested.

See, most of the other blogs I saw are people talking about what some celebrity or other is wearing and how gorgeous a certain designer's new collection is.  Who cares?  What I'm interested in is what my clients look good in!  This just isn't for me.  As a Personal Stylist, I'm interested in THE PERSON.  Not some trumped up, half-baked z-list celeb and what some idiot has told them to wear which no doubt actually makes them look terrible.  It's a bit like The Emperor's New Clothes!

Well this is my blog, and I'm going to do things my way.  Welcome all to my world - where it's all about you!

So who are you?  You are probably female, between the ages of 28 and 65.  You will have had some form of career, possibly have children, enjoy reading magazines and you more than likely take good care of yourself by going to the gym and have regular appointments with the hairdresser.  And I'm 99% certain that you will have a WARDROBE FULL OF CLOTHES BUT NOTHING TO WEAR!

And why is this?

Because somewhere along the way, you lost the knowledge of how to look your very best, or your appearance changed but your wardrobe didn't, or you've never really know what suited you.  Oh and that other thing.... Retailers don't actually cater for everyone.  Despite there being 7 body shapes, they pretty much cater for just one!  Oh yes!

But don't worry.  This is where I can help you.  It's not just my job, it's my passion!  And I too used to have a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear :(

So if you'd like to keep reading what I have to say, I guarantee you will start to look and feel more fabulous every day.  I have two top tips for you for this week.

1.  If you have something in your wardrobe that you have not worn for 18months, throw it away, sell it on ebay, donate it to charity.  I don't care what you do with it, just get rid of it!  But don't buy anything to replace it until I tell you :)


Find out more about you next week.  In the meantime, feel free to visit my site or email me just for a chat!

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